Whave’s Mission Statement

Whave’s mission is to build and share best practice in public service in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on 24/7 safe water provision and achievement of SDG 6.1.

We help rural communities, government, private sector and aid agencies to co-ordinate roles and responsibilities so that the universal right to safe water is assured through structures which are self-sustaining and enduring.

We prioritize rural water supply assurance as leading to growth in national economy, to help young people choose farming instead of urban migration, to help girls complete school and women to take community management roles, to foster opportunity, healthy lives and professional secure employment in rural areas.

Girls Education & Health

This program:

  • places mothers in community water management leadership positions

  • provides them with access to professional safe water assurance services

  • releases girls from water duties so permitting regular school attendance

  • scales impact through national governance, sustainable finance and coordination of stakeholders

  • improves health, COVID19 resilience and incomes, through safe water assurance and marketing of rural hand-washers by local youth

COVID19 and Waterborne Disease

Studies shows endemic fecal contamination of drinking water caused by low handwashing rates. Modern and robust handwashing facilities are not available in rural communities. This program:

  • disseminates modern, robust and attractive handwashing units designed specially for rural lifestyle

  • jobs are created for rural youth in marketing and promotion

  • radio airtime and social media are used for marketing

24/7 Inclusive Community Service

Farming communities are able and willing to contract technical services to make sure their waterpoints are working everyday. However, the problem is absence of trusted professional service providers. This has changed in recent years as follows:

  • 900 communities have contracted Whave as a pioneer service provider regulated by government, paying affordable service fees and receiving 24/7 safe water

  • the service contracts define responsibilities clearly and ensure inclusion of elderly, sick or vulnerable people in universal daily access to safe water

  • 100,000 girls are attending school, released from long-distance water fetching

  • 2000 women are freshly in water management leadership roles

National Safe Water Assurance

Whave has helped to establish a national government framework for maintenance of rural waterpoints. This program implements this framework:

  • shares performance and cost results transparently with government and stakeholders

  • advises on agendas and metrics for multi-stakeholder quarterly reviews

  • provides on-site training for local government mobilisers and moderators

  • contributes to national user-friendly guides for water boards

  • coordinates aid to ensure reliable water access in unserved areas

Consultancy Services

This program provides:

  • guidance at international level for 24/7 assurance in sub-Saharan countries